The Trust has three research projects running simultaneously: our Worm-eating Warbler Survey, our Long-Term Bird Monitoring and Inventory Program, and our Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. Meet the crew conducting this awesome research.

dave headshot

Dave Jacobs Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Originally from Vermont, Dave attended Johnson State College and received a BA in Outdoor Education. Dave is currently working on his MS in Conservation Biology. Dave has performed trail mapping and planning for the University of Maine and produced burn unit maps for Acadia National Park. In his spare time he enjoys riding mountain bikes, hiking, strong coffee and futzing around the woodshop. Above all else, Dave prefers taking in a good day outside! 

Holland Youngman Worm-eating Warbler Survey

Holland is a native of the South Carolina coast, and a graduate of Clemson University. She has enjoyed working environmental conservation jobs in Wyoming, Mississippi and Texas; and recently left her position with the SC Department of Natural Resources in Charleston to move to Chattanooga. She is thrilled to be here, where she will pursue her Masters of Environmental Science degree at UTC while working with the TRGT conducting Worm-eating Warbler research.  



